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solar eclipse muse

megan s.

📍 based in - new york city

"I allow myself to breathe and be excited for myself, even for the small things. I’ve learned that the best way to feel 100% you is to allow yourself to celebrate the small things."

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finding joy

Spending time with my family. My family are my best friends, so any time I chance I get to be with them, I take it. Being outside is something I love; laying on the beach, hiking in the mountains, or even just going for a walk. It’s extremely hard for me to be head over heels into a book, so when I find that book... don’t expect to hear from me for at least a week. Adding a unique vintage piece to my wardrobe is super satisfying for me. I’m very picky, so if I see a piece that I know
I can’t live without and can be paired with many different outfits, I grab it. How could I not say eating? I recently repaired my relationship with food, and it’s one of my favorite things. Trying new ways to cook vegetables, pairing new foods, or finding a vegan pig-out spot are definitely some of my favorite things when it comes to food. I’m currently obsessed with a restaurant in New York City that has vegan nachos AND vegan pancakes. I get both when I go. (NO REGRETS).

women inspiring women

It’s SO hard to name one, especially when we’re seeing so many powerhouses in the spotlight at the moment. For so many reasons, the first woman who comes to mind is Stephanie Buttermore, who is a YouTube content creator and an influencer. I have always struggled with self-love and body positivity; I’m the first one to shoot myself down. She’s constantly sharing uplifting content on her youtube and instagram and she’s been very open about her journey. She’s definitely a major go-to for me whenever I need or want reassurance.

women are everything

I allow myself to breathe and be excited for myself, even for the small things. I’ve learned that the best way to feel 100% you is to allow yourself to celebrate the small things. You woke up today on time? CELEBRATE THAT! You ran 5 minutes longer than you did last time? CELEBRATE. You got a promotion and/or raise? CELEBRATE x 10! You allowed yourself to eat a cookie without regret later? Definitely celebrate. As someone who has been so self-critical my whole life, there’s so much value and peace in actively thanking yourself and your body for performing any task. It’s hard to be a fully-functioning human and as someone with anxiety who struggles to get out of bed some days, you deserve to have that pat-yourself-on-the-back moment, whatever that may look like.

day in the life

I work a full time job, so my weekdays are pretty much spoken for. My saturdays are much more exciting. I wake up, wash my face, go for a run, make breakfast and feed my cat. I shower and get dressed to head out, grab a coffee and run my errands. (Hanging out with friends at the moment has been put on hold due to Covid). After that, I come home, wash my face (VERY important) either order or cook dinner, and cuddle up with vegan ice cream (thanks dairy allergy) and a good show. Lately, I’ve been watching an HBO show called “The Undoing”. I’m such a homebody, so I don’t mind having an abundance down time at home.

my favorites

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about solar eclipse

Vegan. Sustainable. Cruelty-Free

we are obsessed with creating sustainable fashion & designing beautiful accessories that bring joy.

we create everything to enhance your self expression & unique beauty.

our styles are made from premium, cruelty-free materials including our signature vegan leather & vegan faux fur.

our packaging is plastic-free & 100% recyclable.

our styles are designed in australia.

solar eclipse is

created by women, for women

the world tells women "you're not enough".
we believe women are everything.